Tennis Marathon – Outdoor Floodlights Fundraiser Sep 10th 2022


Our sincere thanks to all members who have signed up to be part of our fundraising event which takes place this Saturday in the club, where we will see in excess of 100 people playing tennis over the course of the day.  Our heartfelt thanks also to the many members who are unable to play on the day, but who have made a financial contribution to the fund.  For those who are still unsure what it’s all about and would like to be part of the day, please call Barbara or Nick for more information

As part of our fundraising effort, we are also holding a Monster Raffle, when we will raffle a free Adult Membership of LLTC for 2023, in addition to some other great prizes.  This raffle will take place on finals night of the Club Championships in October.

All participants on Saturday will automatically be entered in this draw and any other members who wish to purchase a ticket, may do so through the club office or a member of the tennis committee.

We still have room for more players.  If you would like to take part on Saturday, please contact Barbara (086 816255) or Nick (087 3697724)

The Bar will be open Saturday afternoon and the BBQ will be going.  If you can’t play, please come and be part of  the fun on the day. In particular, our Grade 1 and 2 tennis players will be showcasing their skills between 2 and 5 pm.

We look forward to a great day of tennis and fun.

Kind regards

LLTC Tennis Committee

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