Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers Code for Parents/Carers Parents/Carers in the club play a key role in the promotion of an ethical approach to our sport and young people’s enjoyment of the game. Sports Leaders need the support of parents/guardians in conveying the Safe, Fun and Fair Play message. You should help and support the implementation of best practice policies in your child’s/children’s Club by following the guidance below. Become members of the Club and contribute your time and effort in the daily running of the Club; no club can operate successfully and safely without the help of volunteers. Understand and ensure your child/children abide by the Code. Be available for specified duties if and when required; some duties are mandatory and form part of the procedures for safeguarding your children; some will be at the request of the Club. Have an awareness of and respect for Leaders and other adults and their roles within the Club. If you wish to raise an issue with a Leader this should be addressed with the Leader in an appropriate manner and not in front of children and young people Respect and abide by the decisions made by the Committee and other Leaders, these should be made in the best interests of the children in the Club. Understand the complaints process and follow the proper procedure if you feel unjustly treated, with the knowledge that any complaint will be dealt with effectively and confidentially. Know your child’s training and/or competitive programme, and accept it is your responsibility for delivering and collecting your child/children. Parents/carers should ensure they do not leave their child/children waiting unsupervised at any time. Ensure the environment is safe and enjoyable for your child/children. Promote fair play and the positive aspects of sport. Be a role model for your children and young people by maintaining the highest standards of personal conduct and respectful behaviour in any activity related to the sports club/organisation. Promote participation for children that is fun, safe and in the spirit of fair play Ensure appropriate leaders are informed regarding any absenteeism, medical conditions or other relevant matters concerning your child. You should have the opportunity to put forward suggestions and comments. Provide the Club with appropriate information in relation to your child to ensure their safe inclusion in the club and with emergency contact information and to be reasonably available in case of emergency. Be aware and abide by the safeguarding policy, the rules and constitution of your organisation and the rules and constitution of your own Club. Parent/ Carer Name(Required) First Last Signature of Parent/ Carer*(Required) I have read the LLTC Code of Conduct above and agree to abide by the guidelines as set out in the code.